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We attack the inherent vulnerabilities of tornadic vortices
It’s water, but it is not just water
At Solving Tornadoes we reverse engineered our way to comprehending the physics of storms. With respect to this we have a very important message to convey: It’s water, but it is not just water. The sheath of a tornadic vortice is, mostly, comprised of H2O. But it certainly is not “just” water. It is a rare form of H2O that only occurs in the atmosphere and only in the context of “wind shear.” It’s a very energized form of H2O. Its ability to persist is somewhat tenuous in that it requires a constant source of wind shear or it will deteriorate. Nevertheless, while this room temperature plasma–this “vortice plasma”-- is in existence it is naturally aggressive about enveloping the energetic flow that causes the shear--the same shear that is the source of the centrifugal energy that underlies it being a plasma.
How a tornadic vortice is unlike a soap bubble
So, the highly energized H2O based, surface-tension plasma of tornadic vortices is different from the more passive surface tension of a soap bubble in that It is much more aggressive about actively maintaining its existence. We refer to this as the persistence of vortice plasma problem. Or, more simply, the persistence problem. This makes vortice plasma more difficult to interrupt or defeat than, well, a bubble. And then there are the difficulties of just getting to it where it is, at the top of the troposphere, 7 to 12 kilometers above.
Nevertheless it is still just water.
(Note: explanation was removed from here due to its proprietary nature. Details are available for investors.)
At Solving Tornadoes we emphatically believe that it will prove to be simple, cheap, and even mundane to regularly interrupt the delivery of energetic low pressure to the location of a storm and to thereby mitigate the severity of severe weather.​
So, despite the fact that for both soap bubbles and atmospheric vortices H2O surface tension serves as the basis of the interdependencies that maintain their respective existences, the similarities end there.
Distinctive Characteristics of the Surface Tension Associated With Vortices (Vortice Plasma)
It is very aggressive about surrounding (encircling) air flow
It has an opening at both ends of its length
It has an opening where the air enters the vortice
It has an opening where the air exits the vortice, exhausting into the flow of a jet stream
The difference in air pressure from where it enters the vortice and where it exits the vortice causes the air therein to accelerate, sometimes reaching speeds in excess of 300 mph.
Due to it is aggressive nature, vortice plasma (it being the substance that forms the sheath of atmospheric vortices) is generally very proficient at maintaining the sealed isolation of its flowing contents. And this is true despite the fact that the length of vortices might span hundreds of miles. Because of its abiliity to maintain sealed conditions, a vortice is able to employ the principles of hydrodynamics to send pulses of energetic low pressure, at the speed of sound, from the jet stream to the location of the storm.
Cyclical aspect of storms and importance of smoothness of moist/dry wind shear boundaries
A storm is the result of the delivery of energetic low pressure through a vortice. Vortices depend on existence of vortice plasma. Vortice plasma depends on existence of wind shear. The occurance of wind shear depends on the existence of long, flat boundaries between moist air and dry air, the existence of which depends on calm weather. During calm conditions the boundary layers between moist air and dry air become smoother and more interconnected, facilitating wind shear. These are the perfect preconditions for the emergence of vortice plasma and then vortices. Then comes the delivery of the energetic low pressure that causes a storm. The ensuing turbulence of a storm tends to consume and destroy boundary layers. Without long, flat boundary layers vortice plasma cannot emerge. Without vortice plasma there are no vortices and, therefore, the delivery of low pressure energy cannot be realized. No storm occurs. Without storms calm conditions emerge. And the cycle continues.
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